About Us
Conimicut Village Association

Conimicut is a historic bayside village that aims to be an aesthetically pleasing and safe community in which to live and a destination community to visit for people of all ages; to encourage community involvement with active participation; to safeguard its natural resources while protecting waterfront properties from erosion; to showcase its natural resources to enhance tourism, and to attract and support businesses to the village center that are in harmony with this vision.
We are a Rhode Island nonprofit corporation and membership organization founded in 1984 that fosters preservation and improvement of the Conimicut area working with its members, village residents, business personnel, and government officials and employees.
The Association meets on the second Tuesday of each month at 6:30 pm during the winter months and 7:00 pm in the summer at Woodbury Union Church . Although members of Woodbury Union Church are active in our association, CVA is a secular organization The Association holds its annual meeting and election on the second Tuesday evening in November. A nine-member board of directors elected yearly at the annual meeting conducts the principal business of the Association.
Community Organizations
Save The Bay
Environmental Stewardship. The Association is a proud member of http://www.savebay.org