Membership Information

Please review the membership information below

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$10 Basic

$10 per household member. This allows each member to vote at our meetings.

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$100 Sponsor

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$25 Supporter

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$25 Organization

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By continuing with your payment, you are agreeing to our privacy policy and terms of service.

Download the form, fill it out and mail it in with your check to:

Conimicut Village Assoc.
P.O. Box 9121
Conimicut, RI 02889

Village Clock

Prospective Members

We have always taken pride and ownership in maintaining and improving the Conimicut Village area. Community Development Block Grants (CDBG) provide us with the funding necessary to support businesses and to improve the area. In addition to helping local businesses with facade improvements, during the past four years we purchased 5 picnic tables for Conimicut Point Park, four bike racks placed throughout the village, and sidewalk planters and matching trash containers for West Shore Road. CDBG funds and the combined effort of members and city departments built and now maintain a scenic overlook at the end of Beach Avenue. Memorial bricks were sold, engraved, and now line both sides of the walkway to the overlook.

Spring Fling Fund Raiser

In past years, we held a Spring Fling Fundraiser to raise sufficient funds to purchase hanging flower baskets that are placed on the historic light poles along West Shore Road, the flowers for the sidewalk planters, and to hire someone to water all the flowers from Memorial Day through Labor Day. We also purchase, place, and maintain the US flags mounted on the poles along West Shore Road that fly from Memorial Day through Veterans Day.

On the first Friday in December, CVA and Woodbury Union Church co-host a Village Tree Lighting in Donovan Park. After the lighting, attendees are invited across the street to Woodbury Union where one of our local school choruses sings holiday music. Santa Claus is always there and there are refreshments in the lower level of the church for all attendees.

In addition to these events, we also host an Easter Egg Hunt at Clegg Field on Winter Avenue and co-hosts a Halloween Spooktacular in the center of the village.  In 2015, we worked with the Warwick Planning Department to enact the Village District Zone to make the village center more